Began the morning with a brisk walk into Old Town Corfu. Even in the early hours the small city was bustling with open air parkets selling fruits and vegetables along with the local wines, honey and olive oil.
I wandered most of the morning through the narrow alleyways of Old Town. It reminded me a bit of the Latin Quarter in Paris... very colorful. The Old Town area was just named a Unesco World Heritage Center and will soon be closed off to traffic. People will be able to stroll without worrying about traffic hazards and motor scooters humming in and out.
Lunch in Old Corfu was super. A greek salad, some Tsatziki and spinach pie - heaven.
The afternoon I spend with Lidja, our tour director. We went in search of 85 bottles of olive oil for our guests joining us next week in Athens. Having lived here several years ago, Lidja knew her way around and showed me some lovely highlights... a Monastery high in the hills as well as small towns that dot the countryside. A few towns had streets so narrow between buildings that I thought the ar would not even fit. This did not even phase Lidja as she was all to familiar with Corfu and all the nooks and crannies.
Tours headed out throughout the day to the nude beach, Achillion Palace and to Old Town. The evening entertainment from a local folkloric group that serenaded us with Bouzouki (sp?) music and dancing after dinner and I fell into bed at 11:30, happily exhausted from the day. Early yoga class tomorrow so I will sign off now! Tomorrow is another day at sea.

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